Postet av Fotball den 13. Des 2019


Kjære student, 

Du har meldt deg på prøvespill i OSI fotball for våren 2020. 

Vi har fått inn veldig mange søknader om prøvespill, noe vi er veldig glade for! Det er gøy at så mange vil spille fotball i OSI. 

For at så mange som mulig skal få muligheten til å prøvespille for klubben vår, har vi derfor laget en facebook-gruppe som dere må be om å få tilgang til. Det er viktig at du melder deg inn i denne gruppen, da dette er eneste sted hvor informasjon om prøvespill vil bli gitt. Her ligger det informasjon om hvordan prøvetreningene blir avholdt, tid og sted. 


Bli medlem av facebook-gruppen via denne linken: (


Vi håper å se deg på prøvetrening for OSI Fotball. 



Styret, OSI Fotball.



Dear student,

You have signed up for try-outs for OSI Football, spring 2020.

We have received a large number of applications for try-outs this spring, which makes us very happy. 

We take it as a huge compliment that so many students want to be a part of and play football for our club. 


In order for everyone to try-out for OSI football, we have created a closed Facebook-group, that you must apply to become a member of. As soon as you have applied, we will accept you for this group. It is very important that you join this group, as this is the only platform where we will give information regarding the try-outs. Information about how the try-outs will be held, when and where it will be held, will be given here. 


Apply for membership for this group using this link: (


We hope to see you at try-out.


Best regards,

The board, OSI Football. 

Registration for August try-outs CLOSED

Postet av Fotball den 26. Aug 2019

The registration for try-outs is now closed. This since the try-outs now have started, as well as a record high in number of registrations. We obviously want as many as possible of those who registered to join our teams. 

For those of you who didn't make the registration, please try again in January. The registration for this try-out opens in November/December. 

Information about prices etc.

Postet av Fotball den 21. Aug 2019

As many are wondering about the costs of playing in OSI, we have now made an overview of the different costs. The total price will depend on which team you are playing for, but an example of a player playing for H1 or D1 is made. The overview can be found here ( ). 

Try-outs are held in weeks 35 and 36.

Postet av Fotball den 13. Aug 2019

The try-outs for OSI football will be held in weeks 35 and 36, that is from August 26. to September 8. 

Please register using the registration form ( ) and the sooner you do it the better. 

You should receive an email from the team-responsible of at least one of the teams you have applied for. 

After these two weeks, the try-outs are closed and the next possibility for joining OSI Football will be in January 2020. 

Registration for August try-outs OPEN

Postet av Fotball den 4. Aug 2019

The registration for the fall try-outs is now open. Please registrer using the registration form ( and a contact person from the team(s) you have registered for will contact you with the details about when the sessions will occur. 

Since it is SIO that determines when we are allowed to bring in people free-of-charge to the training ground, the period is not yet set. Normally, the try-outs are held during the third and fourth week of August, but the exact dates will therefore be given to you by the representatives from the team(s) you have applied for.

We are looking forward to having you all try out for our teams, and hope that we will get many new members of our club! 

Best regards, the board of OSI Football.